How is COVID-19 affecting Index Sensors?
Index Sensors, as well as the entire transportation sector supply chain, has been designated as Critical Infrastructure by the U.S. Government in order to allow logistics and transportation to remain operational. Full details can be found at the following location: guidance
As an Essential Business and Operation that supports Essential Infrastructure, Index Sensors will maintain limited operations and continue to support our customers, which also work in Military, Defense, and Essential Infrastructure industries.
We are actively monitoring updates from the Center for Disease Control (CDC) as well as federal, state, and local government agencies to ensure we’re responding appropriately and following all recommendations. Visit the CDC’s website to learn more about Coronavirus, who’s potentially at risk, symptoms and how to stop the spread of the virus.
Index Sensors relies on supplies for certain aftermarket items that could be delayed due to the Coronavirus outbreak in China. We carry stock on most products, however, there are a few items that could be impacted by shipping shortages.
Please review your order confirmation for backorder information and contact Customer Support via email ( with any questions regarding specific stock status.